Organizer for a National Level Hackathon BOLT - Breakthrough On Locked Technology (February 2020)
Student Organizer in Hack-4-Cause, Hackathon conducted by IEEE-SSIT (March 2019)
Manager in Hack-4-Cause, Hackathon conducted by IEEE-SSIT (March 2018)
Student Organizer in Nuclear Symposium, a GRAVITAS Event by IEEE-NPSS (October 2019)
Extracurricular activities
Achieved Merit Certificate in best academic performance in the year 2016-17
Achieved Merit Certificate in best academic performance in the year 2017-18
Achieved Merit Certificate in best academic performance in the year 2018-19
Presented "Statistical Analysis of Nucleic acid [RNA}" in a Math-a-Thon (March 2018)
Participated as a Delegate of Rotasia Goa (February 2019)
Participated as Annual District Rotaract Conference "Thedal" (April 2019)
Clubs and Chapters
Project or Technical head in IEEE SSIT chapter in VIT university (2018-19)
Documentation head for IEEE-NPSS VIT (2018-19)
Rotary in Rotaract club in VIT